Dr. Salmon is a distinguished physician in the Israeli medical system with over three decades of experience. An oncologist since 2002, he holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology specializing in Cancer Genetics, along with a Master’s in Health Administration.

Throughout his career, Dr. Salmon has played a pivotal role in healthcare administration, international health cooperation, and medical education, and has taught comparative international health systems at the university level for many years.

He has contributed significantly to the advancement of Israel’s healthcare system on a both national and global level. In addition to being a Member of the Executive Board of the WHO and Representative on the OECD Health Committee Bureau, Dr. Salmon served as a national focal point for the WHO as well as for various other UN agencies, spearheaded the opening of the WHO Regional Office in Israel, and organized the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, hosted in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Professional Experience

Head, Department of International Relations, Israeli Ministry of Health

Member, Executive Board, World Health Organization (WHO)

Deputy CEO & Medical Director, Barzilai Medical Centre, Ashkelon, Israel

Deputy Director, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem

Head, Outpatient Clinic & Inpatient Ward, Sharrett Institute of Oncology

Head, Medical Audits Department, Israeli Ministry of Health